PACE in the New Year Webinar 2022
The PACE in the New Year Webinar 2022 was held January 26th, 2022. The PACE in the New Year Webinar...
PACE in Ottawa County Webinar
On June 8th, 2021, Ottawa County became the 49th local government to join the Michigan PACE market. The PACE in...
PACE Across Michigan (Northern MI/UP)
PACE Across Michigan is a webinar series held Thursdays in June from 12:00pm – 1:00pm and includes four different theme-based...
2021 PACE Market Report
See Lean & Green Michigan’s first webinar of 2021. This annual new year webinar includes: introductions to the Lean &...
Virtual Michigan Energy Summit
The most important part of any project is the ability to acquire the necessary capital. Check out the recording of...
PACE for HVAC to Minimize Infectious Disease Webinar
The PACE for HVAC to Minimize Infectious Disease Webinar was hosted by Lean & Green Michigan on October 9th, 2020 and featured...
LAGM is Mighigans EIBC’s 2021 Business of the Year!
Lean & Green Michigan (LAGM) was awarded Business of the Year at the 9th annual Michigan Energy Innovators Gala, hosted...
The Virtual Southeast Michigan PACE Summit
The Virtual Southeast Michigan PACE Summit The Virtual Southeast Michigan PACE Summit was held Tuesday, June 30th from 10:30am – 2:30...
The PACE & Economic Development Webinar
The PACE & Economic Development Webinar Partnered by Michigan Economic Developers Association (MEDA) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), the PACE & Economic Development...
PACE 101 – The Basics of PACE Financing
PACE 101 – The Basics of PACE Financing The PACE 101 webinar provides an excellent overview of PACE financing. From the...
C-PACE 2.0
The C-PACE 2.0 audio recording discusses the open, competitive market for PACE lenders, and demonstrates the importance of understanding the...
Ask A PACE Administrator
The “Ask A PACE Administrator” webinar grants you access to the administrators of PACE programs in Florida, Michigan, Missouri, Texas,...
Ann Arbor Virtual Earth Day 2020
The City of Ann Arbor’s Virtual Earth Day features a 10-hour celebration highlighing the work of sustainanability-minded organizations in the...
PACE in the Current Economic Climate
The “PACE in the Current Economic Climate” covers an intro to PACE from Greenworks Lending, followed by an informational and...
2020 Michigan PACE Market Update
The 2020 Michigan PACE Market Update webinar included a deep dive into Michigan’s PACE legislation, as well as a market...
LAGM’s 2018 Year End Market Update
The Lean & Green Michigan 2018 Year End Update webinar provides recaps from 2018 and an introuction of what to...
2018 Year End Michigan PACE Market Update for Local Governments
The 2018 Year End Michigan PACE Market Update for Local Governments webinar provides a recap of 2018 and an introduction...